My auditory cortex sends my ears the sound of an operatic voice when I sing my heart out because all I hear is beauty. I don’t know what is wrong with my husband and son’s ears? May-be, they need to make a visit to an otolaryngologist (fancy name for ear, nose and throat specialist) or neurologist to have their ears and auditory cortexes checked out. Right? I mean, come on, lovely husband and son, my mom and you, son, are gifted in the singing department, so I can’t be th-at terrible… Maybe, I just need singing lessons to tune up the chords?
One of these days, I’m going to do just that and I will show those two. Hmmph. When I’m singing in one of my favorite operas or musicals, they will regret the hundreds to thousands of scrunched up noses, sour looks, and redirection questions to get me to stop. Guess, who won’t be getting front row seats, then? Hmmph. Take that, Stanley man and child!
Lights! Camera! Action!
These three words summarize what I love most about Christmas. Thanksgiving is equally exciting because, well, pies , turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, more pie, pie, again, oh, yeah, did I mention I absolutely, completely and utterly adore pies (pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, my brother-in-law’s banana cream pie, and a sprinkle of apple (that’s just fall, spring and summer have even more flavors). You see what I mean about going koo-koo, so-me-times. Thoughts of dessert and coffee can do that to me.
So, yes, while I absolutely love the quality time and laughter with family while eating, eating, and eating delicious multi-cultural food, along with all the traditional-turkey and the works at Thanksgiving, Christmas is even more fun. Definitely, not for the presents, in fact, I’ve written an essay in the past on my thoughts related to gift giving. Maybe, I’ll share with you one of these days. But, don’t start making assumptions and worrying that my son doesn’t receive presents at Christmas time. He deserves no pity-at all! Tr-us-t me…, he totally gets way more than he needs and I contribute, too, but it doesn’t mean my opinions can’t differ from the norm on Christmas/holiday season and all gift giving in general.
Whistle While You Work, I Mean, Decorate…
Who doesn’t love seeing the halls decked with holly, fala, la la la lala lala la, right? After all, ‘tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la la la la. Darn, why wasn’t I given the gift of singing? I love doing it so much, but I don’t enjoy sour looks when I do it “too much”. Typically, I’m considerate, but not during Christmas time. Along with music from musical geniuses, The Fabulous Beatles, Christmas songs turn frowns upside down, immediately! Dealing with crowds of people in a rush, everywhere, can make the most patient person show glimpses of… the Grinch.
So, in December, I don’t give a hoot if people dislike my singing. I sing away… and dance. Well, that’s a given, I do that every day and I’m really good at that, so if I get any looks from my boys it’s because they wish they could move like me. Ha! I’m not joking, here, though, I’m a ter-rif-ic dancer. My lack of vocal chords is made up with my moves… “I’ve got moves like Jagger, I’ve go-t moo-vv-es…”Actually, better, than Mick. Well, wait, it depends on who you ask. But, if you, only, ask me, yes, I have way better moves than him. Thank you, mom, for the dancing gene, but it would have been nice to get your singing voice, too. I so could have been a rock-star…
Shakira, you are SO lucky, I didn't inherit my mom's chords-nobody would know your name! Deep sigh… What could have been...
Shakira, you are SO lucky, I didn't inherit my mom's chords-nobody would know your name! Deep sigh… What could have been...

I’ve been told I take “too many pictures” by a handful of our future’s kindest and brightest. People who used to love posing each time they saw my camera; however, I don’t know what happened to them as soon as they neared double digits age?! In the past, I’ve heard from a couple of them, “…are you posting this on Instagram?” “Wh-at!? Instagram?! Is that like a candy gram?” I didn’t even know what Instagram was or how Twitter worked, then. Of course, now, I’m an avid Tweeterer (is that a word?). But, no, I do not have an Instagram account and if I did, I wouldn’t post pictures of them, unless they and their parents approved. I ask for permission before posting their images on Twitter and if they change their mind at any point, I delete those tweets.
No, I don’t take thousands of pictures every year to post on any medium. I take pictures because I LOVE photography. I love capturing life-people, animals, nature, objects, and anything I find interesting in our beautiful planet, Earth. As much as I would like to hold all those precious images in my mind, I can’t. My hefty hippocampus stores a lot in long term memory, but it can’t retrieve certain memories like a picture can, at least not for me. When I browse through old pictures, I relive the experience. I can smell, taste, hear, see, and feel the moment as if it were happening, again.
Photography and Writing are Synonymous
One of my favorite photographers writes of his love of photography, “I have always believed that a good photographer is like a writer. Each photograph is like a story, only written with light instead of ink.” In addition to finding his photography incredibly breathtaking and inspiring, I lit up the first time I browsed his site and read his thoughts on the relationship and similarities between writing and photography. He’s right, photography and writing are synonymous. It's interesting how we share many similarities with people all over the world, yet, we'll never get to meet most. Thankfully, the internet allows us to connect and share our talents with the world.
Browsing his site is like taking a mini-trip around the world. The stories he captures through his lens, further ignite my desire to explore the grandness, diversity, and awe inspiring beauty of our planet, Earth. Deep sigh… If only there were unlimited resources and time to explore everything in my hefty list of “must see and experience” before my time is up.
This talented photographer’s website features his gorgeous work, but a book filled with his talent, knowledge and techniques would be a wonderful suggestion to send his way. Maybe, I’ll send him a message with the suggestion. With continual practice, I hope to tell great stories through both mediums, too.
A Time Machine, Please. A la Dr. Who or Marty McFly Style.
Sometimes, I wish I lived in a sci-fi book or movie because I’d love to go back to some of my son’s earlier years. I was fortunate to have been able to enjoy a lot of his life with him, many of those moments were priceless, moments that happened years to a decade ago, but feel like last year. They were a lot like trying to enjoy your favorite meal, mindfully, but no matter how slowly and in the moment you experience its greatness, eventually, you come to the last bite and there are no left overs because it was that good. Parents of little ones, enjoy, enjoy, en-joy because you’ll never get a second chance to absorb and cuddle those precious moments, ever, again.
I know there will be many more to add to that time machine as he progresses in his development. However, the school age years display some that are not always enjoyable. As much as I wish I could keep my son in a wonderland bubble, I know that is not healthy or beneficial to his future. Sadly, school age is when children begin to learn life is not like a day at Disneyland. But, if I do a good job in parenting, hopefully, my son will be able to find joy and beauty even when life throws those dreaded curve balls.
I know there will be many more to add to that time machine as he progresses in his development. However, the school age years display some that are not always enjoyable. As much as I wish I could keep my son in a wonderland bubble, I know that is not healthy or beneficial to his future. Sadly, school age is when children begin to learn life is not like a day at Disneyland. But, if I do a good job in parenting, hopefully, my son will be able to find joy and beauty even when life throws those dreaded curve balls.
As mother of a twelve year old, who will be an adolescent next September, I try to enjoy as many moments as I can, but the early years were filled with continuous firsts, wonderment, and carefree energy. No child related stressors like school, friends, extra-curricular activities, and societal expectations to excel in all areas, all the time. Even though, I try to parent without these crazy expectations, my son and his generation are receiving messages from society to excel at everything, making my parent role even more important.
Some days, it’s tough to find a balance between what I believe and what is expected of him and his generation. Fortunately, he can come to me for guidance when he needs to vent and recharge. His mental and physical health is primary and that’s when having a little darkness comes in handy because I refuse to comply with what I don’t believe.
Back to photography, Karina.
Today, trying to snap a posed individual or group picture with these interesting semi-humans (I mean that as a compliment) results in either chasing them or I’m given seconds to snap away before they disperse. Not cool, soon to be adolescent boys, not cool at all. I mean, not sick, not sick at all. You would think there were some serious hormonal changes happening in their minds and bodies, right?
Anyway, Christmas and my birthday is the only time of year when these cuties will pose (these days posing is more candid shots of them goofing around, but not running from my camera) for longer than five seconds, so I get a nice photo session, allowing for the creation of a picture book. I don’t have many from the older years because, w-ell, I explained what happens when I try to take pictures, but I have thousands of pictures from their early years. Which I have to say, these boys enjoy looking through and reminiscing about “when we were young”. Ha! No wonder they think adults are ancient.
“Aren’t you guys glad I love snapping away, now?!” is what I ask when I see their smiles and laughter looking through pictures of their early years. Their response, a smile, of course.
Downside of Loving Photography While Parenting
Don’t parent and photograph. At least, not with a nice camera. Early in my parenting, I lost my Canon Rebel, twice, because of my need to bring it along for all adventures. The first time, it was turned in at the LA Zoo by a lovely employee. Sadly, the second time, I was running away from coyote trying to save my son while hiking back to our car from the Griffith Observatory. In hindsight, there was no danger to either of us, but I was a borderline taca-taca-taca-taca, chopper-mom, then. Poor little guy, he probably heard the blades in his sleep. H-ey, I’m not perfect. At least, I’m reflective and self-aware, so I stopped hovering, soon after the realization.
Unfortunately, this time, it was never found. I even posted an ad on Craig’s List! Yes. I. Did. At that point, it wasn’t for the camera, it was the pictures I wanted. I lost pictures of my son from Easter and all adventures shared that week. Thankfully, smartphones are equipped with a handy lens. If I knew my son and nephews really didn’t want me to snap away, I wouldn’t. I respect children way too much, but I know they enjoy reliving memories, too, so I will continue capturing their lives. They will love reminiscing together during holidays and get together for years and years…
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree…
Tan-an. Tan-an. R-o-ch-in’ a-round the Chrit-mas tree, have a ha-ppy hol-i-day… Mistle-toe hung… where you can see…, everyone … Don’t you love that Christmas song? It reminds me of the Home Alone scene when Kevin is having his solo party. In recent years, my dancing around the Christmas tree has turned into a solo dance party, too. When my son was younger, he joined in the twists and twirls, as he approaches adolescence, I get smiles, but not much dancing… See, why it’s nice having thousands of pictures and video of the days he thought dancing around the Christmas tree was like a day at Dodger Stadium?
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Capturing a non-goofy or happy face was rare with this cutie... He is A LOT of FUN! He's easy to figure out when he's not feeling well. |
How-ever, I do have a furry and adorable audience. My precious girl enjoys watching me, or at least that’s what I think. I tried getting her to dance with me, but she took after her dad- no dancing gene. So, I settle for a non-participation audience. She might be thinking: Holy shouts, this woman is my mom?! What was I thinking when I begged them to take me home with them?! Just give me another treat and I’ll tolerate your craziness, lady. Just keep sitting and pretend to be enjoying her “show”.
Do You Prefer Natural or Artificial?
Not th-at type of natural or artificial! Geez, people, get your mind out of the gutter! Any-way, if like me, you try to be as green as possible, choosing an artificial tree sounds like a green option, right? According to research, it’s not (see epilogue for short summary and epi-epilogue for a fun anecdote from Spring Break '16) How do I know this? I was feeling conflicted about our yearly holiday tradition, thinking I, “Ms. Love our Planet”, was somehow not being green by continuing with one of our favorite family Christmas traditions- choosing, chopping, and chugging away a natural tree from a farm.
Knowledge really is power and sense of relief. After my quick research, I was happy to learn our tradition was the greener option. Plus, I find natural to be more beautiful in all areas of life. Imperfections are real and interesting. Chop, chop, away without guilt…
The Christmas tree has been an all-day event since my husband and I celebrated our first Christmas as a married couple, 2002. I can’t recall the exact date, but I’m certain it was around the first or second week in December. Since then, we make our farm trip the second weekend in December. The first year was overwhelming, you should have seen all the be-au-ti-ful trees and I had to choose one, only?!
Boy! What a difference motherhood makes in the decision process, my cutie quickly taught me (to my husband’s delight), the need to make quick decisions, no longer obsessing about the perfect tree, the decision is made as soon as patience turns to not-so-much-patience (a.k.a someone gets hungry, tired, thirsty, wind not blowing properly, inability to use my superhero powers to control the environment, etc. etc). Our son’s first Christmas tree was chosen quickly because we had agreed we would choose whichever tree our son cried at, first, and we did. He was hungry before we reached the middle of the lot. Before parenthood, we walked up and down, up and down, several times and I always chose the first one I liked. How annoying for my poor husband, right? Fortunately, with each year, the “not-so-much-patience” factors decrease, plus, the farm has a snack bar with shaved ice, our son’s favorite part of the tradition.
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Ye-ah.. I was majorly freaking out about this... Remember, I was a bit on the chopper side, here. His dad asked him to do it to see my reaction. Not funny, right? |
All the talk of a favorite old-time tradition and this is the year it’s not happening?! “Say it isn’t so, M…. (one of many names I have for my husband), please, tell me you’re joking, again…” He wasn’t. Bummer in the darn summer. Obviously, I can’t say fall/winter because that wouldn’t rhyme. But, you get how I was feeling. Bummed in the fall-a-few-weeks-away-from-winter, for sure.
What happened to our tradition?
Science. Science is the most beautiful and powerful force. If only a hateful monster would realize this fact and a gazillion more, I wouldn’t be feeling a mixture of sadness during the most wonderful time of the year for family and friends. Knowing, soon after the joys of the season, eloquence, class and intelligence will be exiting America’s beautiful white home and replaced with the movie, Idiocrasy, makes it tough to fully enjoy anything, right now. But, for my son and his generation, my smile will be wide and bright.
No trees until 2021.
Due to changes happening to our climate, the family owned farm we visited every year since 2002, did not have a good year. Negative climate changes impacted this family’s farm. Trees have been re-planted, but expected to be ready in five years. Our son will be 17… Holy smokes, he’ll be closer to college-age, a bitter-sweet realization, indeed. He will be a junior in high school?! Don’t you feel like you were in that age group a handful of years ago? Again, why I love photography… Good memories can be relived.
While pre-cut trees were brought in for sale to the farm, and we wanted to keep with our tradition while supporting small business, this year, we decided as a family to try out a local tree lot. It definitely was not the same experience, but we can always turn a negative into a positive. I had always wanted a Noble fir. Since our farm only carried Monterey pine, this was my chance to get one. After browsing the three types of firs available at this new location, we decided on a Fraser fir.
Now, for the most exciting part of looking at the positive of what was a negative, an In-N-Out Burgers… is adjacent to the lot we visited this weekend. That was a giant Christmas gift for me. If I could, I’d live there for months at a time. So, yes, guess who and who was beaming with the new “maybe-five-year-tradition”? My son and me! My husband is a little burnt on the delish burgers thanks to 2/3 of our trio’s love of the place. But, if it makes us happy and it means he doesn’t have to drive miles and miles for a tree he is worried might fly off the roof the entire way home, he’ll semi-enjoy this part of the new “maybe-five-year-tradition”.
The only down-side to the In-N-Out burger “maybe-five-year-tradition” is my husband caught our son’s cold and my son and I didn’t feel right eating one of his not-very-favorite-anymore meals while he was feeling nauseous. But, the delectable smell was in the air and I inhaled its gloriousness, it was a close second to tasting it. Deep inhale… Until next time, In-N-Out…
Next time, was..Wednesday, after baseball practice... My husband was miles and hours away, so we were able to enjoy without guilt. In-N- Out outdid themselves, again... Everything was di-vine... |
What are some of your holiday season or favorite non-holiday traditions? I’d love to hear about your stories and traditions.
As promised, a very short summary on why natural trees are better for the environment:
· Each tree my family has chopped has been replaced with up to three seedlings, ensuring regrowth of more trees.
o In contrast, artificial trees may appear environmentally friendly since they can be reused for numerous years. However, since they are plastic, there’s the potential for toxins.
· Natural trees are easily recycled. Surprisingly, artificial are not. I thought both were recyclable, but apparently, most artificial trees are not.
· From science classes, we know, we need trees (we blow them kisses of carbon dioxide) and trees need us (they receive our love, carbon dioxide, and return it with oxygen). See, how lovely it is, we’re deeply rooted and connected to natural trees.
· So, buying natural is contributing to “in…the… ci…r-cle, the c…-r-cle of life…”
Adding this diagram made me feel like I was developing a lesson plan-ha! Singing and dancing would have been part of the lesson- for sure!
Disclaimer: I’m sharing this somewhat lengthy story with you because it was a highlight memory of 2016 in our home, but it has nothing to do with Christmas or the winter holiday season, so don’t feel guilty if you close my post now. But, it's fun, so if you like fun, keep reading...
Since my family (except, my brother who adores the Anaheim Angels-eek!) and I are HUGE Dodger fans, it won’t surprise you to learn we made a short visit to Camelback Ranch in Glendale, Arizona for our son’s spring break. In case you are not familiar with baseball, this is where all the crazy fans gather and watch as many games as possible while witnessing major baseball talent before, during, and after games, pretty much, rubbing elbows with major leaguers. In other words, Disney World for baseball fans. My husband and son are SO lucky that I LOVE baseball because it really is eat, sleep and breathe baseball… I loved it!!!
OK, but back to the fun story…
On our last Dodger game, we were driving into the parking lot… Too-too-too-too-too... Actually, no, that’s the pace when I drive. When my husband drives, it’s more like riding a roller coaster-I often feel nauseous for at least 20 minutes after exiting the vehicle. I probably wouldn’t pass a sobriety test and I don’t drink much. Anyway, he was driving into the lot when lo and behold, he is cut off…
As kind, brilliant and lovely as he is, he inherited the Stanley gene for driving and using a certain gesture when cut off… I always cringe and hide when he does this, it’s so em-barr-assing… But, he can’t be prefect, this and not loving running are pretty much his only flaws.
Fortunately, the vehicle spotted our car and quickly veered back to the left. Seconds later, my son calls out in amazement from behind, “…that’s Kershaw…!” My husband turns to his left, looks inside the vehicle, clearly realizing it was Kershaw because his left hand was quickly set back on his lap and exclaims with a smile,“Sh-t! That is Kershaw.” Remember, he’s not perfect, so he does have colorful language.
In case you don’t know, Clayton Kershaw is my favorite Dodger, at the moment. If I hear anything negative about his character, that may change, but at the moment, he is my favorite Dodger. Why? While he is incredibly talented on the mound, including the batter’s box for an MLB pitcher, I mostly choose him as my current favorite Dodger because he is a kind soul, on and off the field. I won’t make this a post within a post because the amount of kindness and love he and his lovely wife (his high school sweetheart) disperse around the world makes me smile and proud he represents the Los Angeles Dodgers and you know how lengthy I can get about the subject.
Plus, when my son was younger, while at Dodger Stadium (baseball palace of stadiums), Kershaw noticed our son standing off to the side while the rest of the children ran to get his autograph. Upon noticing him, he looked at him, waiting to see if he walked over for an autograph, too. My husband and I asked if he wanted to join the autograph line, but he said, “No, it’s ok, I watch the base-ball players”. At that time, his favorite Dodger was “Nomore” (Nomar Garciaparra) and “Rammy Amirez” (Manny Ramirez) and, non-Dodger, Barry Bonds (a San Francisco Giant…-I know! If that’s not parental love, I don’t know what is?) Flash forward to present day, our son can’t believe he passed up an opportunity to get a Kershaw autograph and we didn’t dissuade him from being a Barry Bonds fan.
Ok, fine, I’ll stop gushing about Kershaw and his kindness. Maybe I’ll write up a post on him and his wife’s foundation to share why he is my favorite Dodger and why I’m happy my son looks up to his style of play, personality, and character, on and off the field. But, before, I end my post, I need to share my reaction to almost getting cut off by Kershaw. With a wide open mouth, my big eyes doubling in size, I froze for a few seconds before gushing, seriously, I gushed, like a school girl. Typically, I’m not easily star struck. I live in Los Angeles and have run into several celebrities, but I don’t think of them as special or worthy of gushing, except for the brilliant and kind souls. Simply born American beauty standards beautiful isn’t gush worthy, a beautiful mind and soul must match for gush worthiness.
However, if they are admirable authors or athletes (and kind, of course), then I turn into Lucy Ricardo during her Hollywood, New York, and all over the world celebrity encounters. Yes, I was gushing and said, while covering my mouth like a giddy school girl, “O-h…my… we…were almost cut off by Ker-shaw!!! H-ow cool is th-at?!”
I know, even as I type, I’m embarrassed for myself and rethought posting this because you know how I feel about always modeling a certain type of behavior for my son and celebrity obsession is definitely not one of them. B-ut, I’m also incredibly honest, so I had to share my imperfections, too. Ha! Don’t worry, after the realization, I removed my robotic casing to reveal my humanness to my son. His reaction was a lot like mine when I read my first Stephen King book (at about his current age) at the realization his mom is human. Ha! He already knows I only admire kind people, so no explanation was needed. He knows I admire Kershaw and his wife for all their humanitarian efforts in America and abroad.
One more thing, I promise…
Even funnier, a day later, we saw a picture of Kershaw posing with a woman on the Dodger’s Twitter feed. He and the woman had been in a minor car accident while in Arizona for spring training. Ha! Isn’t that hilarious?! That could have been me… Although, I wouldn’t have snapped a picture with him. Remember, I turn into a nervous school girl with kind and talented souls. But, I could have had the story to share with my maybe-grandchild? After all, Kershaw is going to be a future hall of famer and I have two personal stories to share with my maybe-future-grandchild-if –my –son-decides-to-have-a-child.
Ok, one more funny part about this whole story and I promise no more talk of Kershaw or the Dodgers.
W-ell, remember how Kershaw backed away from cutting us off as soon as he spotted our car (of course, he would)? That meant we should have arrived to the parking lot before him, right? Well, guess what? As we were walking to the stadium entrance, his empty SUV was already parked in the lot. So, you know he jammed into the lot after us! I took a picture, too. I won’t share it because then I would be invading his privacy, but since you know I love photography, I had to take a picture for my memories. “Poor Kershaw..., I remember those early parenting years. He was probably in a rush because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with his wife and baby. Or, he overslept from lack of sleep…” is what I said to my husband and son as we walked inside Disney World. My husband and son were cringing, sighing in annoyance, shaking their heads, and rolling their eyes the entire time. How they put up with me, I don’t know? I must be pretty darn awesome! Hahaha
W-ell, remember how Kershaw backed away from cutting us off as soon as he spotted our car (of course, he would)? That meant we should have arrived to the parking lot before him, right? Well, guess what? As we were walking to the stadium entrance, his empty SUV was already parked in the lot. So, you know he jammed into the lot after us! I took a picture, too. I won’t share it because then I would be invading his privacy, but since you know I love photography, I had to take a picture for my memories. “Poor Kershaw..., I remember those early parenting years. He was probably in a rush because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with his wife and baby. Or, he overslept from lack of sleep…” is what I said to my husband and son as we walked inside Disney World. My husband and son were cringing, sighing in annoyance, shaking their heads, and rolling their eyes the entire time. How they put up with me, I don’t know? I must be pretty darn awesome! Hahaha
That's my son's leg, walking away as fast as possible... Guess, why? My phone's camera. |
...thank you to all of you who have been SUPER supportive of my unplanned blog. Initially, I started it because I wanted to share, "Yes Day" with you through Twitter, but the character limit and the voice of the person who unfollowed Neil Gaiman for too many tweets telling me to watch my tweeting hands , lit the bulb- Eureka! D-uh, start a blog! I did!
...thank you to all of you who have been SUPER supportive of my unplanned blog. Initially, I started it because I wanted to share, "Yes Day" with you through Twitter, but the character limit and the voice of the person who unfollowed Neil Gaiman for too many tweets telling me to watch my tweeting hands , lit the bulb- Eureka! D-uh, start a blog! I did!
And, well, six months and 18 post later, here I am, still reeling... you in for more of my thoughts, feelings and actions. Clearly, I'm interesting (not weird or strange, I don't like those words to describe my interesting personality-ha!), right? Hey, may-be..., I do have a shot at making my "Best Seller" publishing dreams a reality... Well, that is if I'm ever brave enough to share some really , really... juicy stories stored in my hippocampus. Yes, I can do juicy. Re-mem-ber, a little darkness makes life interesting...
Have a safe and lovely holiday season... I'm so HAPPY I decided to join social media (Twitter) almost a year ago because I was able to "meet" many beautiful minds and souls.
Have a safe and lovely holiday season... I'm so HAPPY I decided to join social media (Twitter) almost a year ago because I was able to "meet" many beautiful minds and souls.
What was one of your highlight memories from 2016? I’d love, love, love… to hear one or many. Please, come on… you know you want to share…
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