Friday, November 11, 2016

I'm a Human Being, First.

Image result for all you need is love

This post is impromptu. I had planned on taking a break from blogging and Twitter the month of November while I worked on my NaNoWriMo novel. However, it is difficult to fully enjoy the gift I have been giving myself every November for the last few years when my heart is broken. It’s not shattered, I have immensely strong glue, so I know this broken heart will be repaired. But, for now, it’s sad and hurt. People I care about voted against me on Tuesday. That is a tough pill to swallow when you care about them, greet them with open arms and a big heart, only to be shocked and surprised by a low blow. I could never be a boxer, those low blows HURT!

No matter how you feel about me and people like me, I care about you. It’s who I am. I’m a human being, first. I understand we all have early experiences that shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions, but it’s not acceptable to hurt and hate kind and loving people. I have a huge heart and have volunteered many hours to ensure that all people live lives of the most joy they can achieve with the resources available. SO, knowing that populations of people, I have fought for, hate people like me, feels like I’ve lost a loved one. I feel like I’m going through the bereavement process, mourning the loss of a society and culture, I felt was moving towards an accepting and loving direction.

Fortunately, I have the choice to surround myself with positive and kind hearts, so that is what I will do. I will continue being kind and loving. I will continue volunteering and working hard to share and distribute the characteristic I consider most important in human beings-kindness.

Even if you disagree with me and dislike people like me, please, please, remember, children are watching and listening and many of them are hurting. Children are intrinsically innocent, loving, and kind, so when they see adults thinking, speaking and acting with anger and unkindness, it hurts their naturally caring and loving hearts.

Early in the school year, I blogged about the importance of kindness and today, more than ever, I’d like to re-share that message:

Please, be kind.

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