Friday, September 30, 2016

Race Day Reminder-Race Photographers!

Do you ever wonder what you look like when you're running? I felt like Levar Burton as I typed that. Do you remember him? Reading Rainbow? Yes? No? Maybe? Anyway, I loved his show as a little girl and thank him for sparking my love of reading.

But, back to my post. This post is related to running pictures. Runners, you know, the lovely pictures that capture us looking our best. I decided on a blog post instead of tweet because, well, we all know we are limited in what we can describe and explain with that medium. I could send out multiple tweets, but I don't want to annoy you.

Honestly, I don't get annoyed with numerous tweets from one person at once, but I've learned that some people unfollow people who tweet too much. Ouch! A little birdie told me he unfollowed Neil Gaiman because he tweets too much. Yes! I know! Neil Gaiman?! If Neil Gaiman is unfollowed for too much tweeting, a “nobody”, like me, better watch her tweet feed; otherwise, I'll be left with only a handful of followers. Yikes!

Frankly, I would be ok with, only, having a handful of followers because I know my personality is not for everyone. I'm like caviar- love or hate, but if you love it, well worth it, right? Ha! I can see my family cringing at this. I admit, I am a huge dork, but I am what I am and that’s all that I am. Ha. Pretty slick, huh? I quoted Dr. Seuss without intention.
Dr. Seuss was a wise thinker. Don’t you agree? He was so right. Don’t hold back on being you. As long as the real you is kind, you should always be you. I am a big believer in quality over quantity with pretty much everything in my life, especially, relationships. I only want to have a relationship if it’s mutual. I love people and genuinely care about most, so if you reciprocate love and friendship, you have a friend in me. Ok. I’ve already admitted to being a huge dork, but did you see what I just did right there? Yes! Toy Story! One of my favorite movies. And, now I’m singing to “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” as I type.

I had to add this to my post because as I wrote this section, I searched for the song to play it as I type. My son came in with a huge smile to see what I was doing, thinking I was watching the movie. So, I thought I’d put a smile on your face, too.

Holy moly! I’m completely going off course, now. My post is supposed to be about running pictures. The reasoning for blogging about race running pictures is not because it relates to childhood nostalgia, but oh well, if you like any or all of those people and characters, I’m sure you don’t mind.

Why did I want to chat away about running pictures?
I’m running a race on Sunday! I’m so excited. My last race was in early April- Hollywood Half Marathon/10k/5k. No, I didn’t run the half or 10k, I ran the 5k. I’m even more excited my Sunday race is a 5k because I have not been training as well as I had planned when I signed up for several fall races. Life, motherhood, and illness have helped in making my training look like a pot of undesirable left overs mixed to create a meal because you are hungry, but, too tired to go to the market to buy ingredients.

I have been following a half marathon training plan since I am scheduled to run a half later next month, however, I was unable to run two important long runs. Hopefully, now, that I have overcome my annoying cough and cold, I can get back to racking up miles in preparation and anticipation of my half marathon. If I don’t feel prepared well enough to PR by the end of October, I will use the race as an opportunity to run for enjoyment only. Plus, my family will be cheering me on and that is always fun and exciting.
But, the only thing I’m not looking forward to is the pictures I’ll receive in my in box a few days, sometimes, a day, showing me that I look nothing like Des Linden. I’ll admit something that goes through my mind when I run. Yes, sometimes, when I’m feeling great, in the groove, sprinting towards the finish, I imagine I look a lot like Ms. Linden. In case you didn’t guess, she’s my favorite marathon runner. She exudes bad ass. 

As previously mentioned, I’m new to social media. Aside from LinkedIn, I’m only on Twitter. I joined a few weeks before my first marathon, LA Marathon (2/14/2016), so it’s still very exciting for me to read the myriad of information available. The numerous articles I can read while waiting at an appointment, son’s activities, or anytime I’m waiting somewhere, but don’t have a book, makes me giddy. I feel the dendrites and axons flourishing in my brain. Along with the articles, I can engage in conversation with lovely runners, writers, parents, and many, many more interesting and fun people.

Well, once, earlier in my Twitter communication exchange, I tweeted back and forth with two earthathon runners (a community of runners on Twitter). I won’t mention their names in case they don’t want to be mentioned on my blog, but out of that conversation, one of my tweets was “liked” by Des Linden. Exciting, right?!

Why did such an awesome runner like my tweet?
Well, because I’m awesome! Hahaha. I know, I know. I can see all the eye rolls. No, that’s not why she liked my tweet, although, if you knew me in real life, you would agree with me. I’m laughing as I type. Some of you might think I’m awesome, the rest, not so much. I avoided social media for years, but heard from family and friends about what is posted, so I understand that what might be posted isn’t necessarily an exact representation of everyone, but, with me, I’m honest to a fault, so what I post is the real me. I don’t see the purpose in posting anything, but what is the real me. I’m on Twitter to learn and engage with positive and kind writers, runners, book lovers, music and humor lovers and anyone that wants to share in positive and supportive energy.

Ok, I’ll stop. She liked my tweet because I mentioned that as I’m running,  I feel like I look like her, but when I look at my pictures, nope. Not, Des. In reality, I look like I’m about to regurgitate my breakfast. I never thought I had such a sour look on my face until I started running races and saw the pictures taken by race photographers.

Clearly, we aren’t up super early, running our hearts out to look glamorous, but when I looked at this picture, the only thing I liked about it and the only reason I would order it when I received the “this is your final chance “to buy email is because it looks like I’m flying. Other than that, nope. I would not spend money on pictures of me. This is the best from the feed, too, so imagine what the others look like.

Although, for the first time, this picture tells the story of my race morning. I look like I want to throw up because that’s exactly what I was feeling. My running belt is climbing because I didn’t have time to adjust it before my run, so as I ran, I kept feeling it slide and pulling my shirt along for the ride.

Somehow, I recorded the start time as an hour later than the 6AM start and as you can imagine, I had prepared for a 7AM start. But, something told me to re-check the details of the race. I listened and low and behold, I was unpleasantly surprised to see in bold text, the start time for the 5k race as 6AM. What?! No! How?! How, did I manage to overlook such an important detail?! I’m pretty on the ball with everything, especially, race mornings when I’m driving alone, and the parking situation is expected to be tough. If you’ve ever run or visited Hollywood, you know what parking is like-not an easy feat.

Most nights before a race, I find it difficult to sleep. Like most runners, I feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Realizing, I almost missed the race, only added to pre-race jitters, but relieved and glad to have listened to the nagging voice telling me to get up and check the details of the race, again.

I slept very little and when my alarm went off, I jumped out. I really did jump out of bed because if I didn’t, I would have continued snoozing and with as sleepy as I felt, I might have missed the race, anyway. I rushed my breakfast, drank very little water, drowned a giant cup of coffee and poured more into a travel cup.

Not wanting to wake up my son so early on a morning baseball game day, off I went, solo, towards the glitz and glamour of Hollywood… In April, it was only a few miles from my house which means it should be a quick drive, but due to crazy traffic in that area, most days it can be an hour or longer. When my son was younger, we often drove to the miracle mile area (museums galore!). It was not uncommon to idle in traffic for two hours if we left the museums after 4PM. At 5ishAM, it took less than 25 minutes to reach the race location. However, the parking situation… Major EEEEK.

Why did I leave so late? What was I thinking? Stomach turning, sweaty palms. I’m going to miss the race. What is this person doing? Auuuurggg, road closed? Why is the road closed, everywhere?!?!?! Cars driving around and around , all of us looking for a parking spot. Nothing. Each time I glanced at the clock in my car, the time was getting closer and closer to 6AM and I was still looking for parking spot?! Oh, I was in panic mode. A runner missing a race because of parking?! Nooooo way! Not me. After circling numerous times and only five minutes until 6AM, I decided to risk getting a parking ticket and parked in the In-N-Out Burger parking lot.

Aside from three cars and an employee preparing for the day, my car was the fourth in the lot as I sprinted to the starting area. In my thinking, I thought somehow In-N-Out would give me a free pass and not tow my car. After all, that’s the least they could do for one of their biggest fans. I’ve been a devoted customer for decades and my bank statements will show it, too. Working while in college, made it difficult to eat healthy lunches, every day. Boy, did I take advantage of that time. My voice and order were known at the local In-N-Out Burger. It was a mixture of feeling special and embarrassed. But, I mostly didn’t care because I love their food and drinks.  Plus, I justified eating many of my lunches there by telling myself that the ingredients were fresh and all my burgers/grilled cheese were ordered with extra tomatoes which are filled with antioxidants. It was a protein and antioxidant filled meal, right?

I won’t bore you with actual race details. But, I have to mention what I was feeling and thinking seconds before reaching and crossing the finish line. Remember my picture from this race? I’m running on the “red carpet”. I’ve never had aspirations to be an actress, so walking/running the red carpet has never been on my bucket list, but since the race was Hollywood themed, I had an opportunity to feel like a star! Ha.

Probably, a few seconds before the picture was snapped, I was thinking, oh, please, please I just want to cross the finish line and drink water. Please, please. I don’t want to throw up. Please, please, make it a few seconds more. I should have approached breakfast differently. Why did I drink so much coffee and rush my oatmeal? Why? Fortunately, I did make it. As soon as I stopped running and had something to drink, I felt better. However, my ability to drink didn’t happen right away. Soon after crossing the finish line, I was stopped by another runner who asked if I would be interested in pacing. Pacing? Me, a pacer? Ok, if you think so. While I wish I would have been feeling better, so I could have inquired further, I think I presented as an unfriendly runner. All I heard were sounds as he explained information to me because all I kept thinking was, I want to get something to drink and get back to my car.

I took his contact information and thought I was on my way back to a ticket or my car gone. But, no, I was stopped by a non-runner who seemed genuinely interested in what crazy runners were doing so early on a Saturday morning. How do I ignore someone who appeared genuinely interested in our hobby/lifestyle choice? After a short talk, and response to his question, “…you do this for fun?!?!”, he replied, “ok, I’ll look for you next time.” I think I might have converted a non-runner to a future runner…

He walked into the local coffee shop for his morning coffee and I sprinted to my car. I think stopping to chat with the young man was good karma because my car was in the In-N-Out parking lot and there was NO parking ticket. Woo-hoo! Too bad it was too early for a burger, fries, and shake.

I case you’re wondering, no I didn’t regurgitate my breakfast. I drank water and ate a banana in between pacer and future runner interactions.

Do you like your race photos? Have you ever missed a race due to traffic, parking, over-sleeping or another reason? What do you do if parking is difficult on race morning and the race is starting soon? I’d love to hear your stories.